The EC COAD has several sub-committees focusing on various efforts and intiatives to address needs in the community. Community members are welcome to participate as active members of any of the committees. Please see below for information on committee objectives, meeting times, and committee members.
Contact the committee leads for more information or email
EC COAD Subcommittees

The communications committee oversees internal and external communications and dissemination of information for EC COAD, such as website, social media, and public relations, marketing, and community presentations. For more information or to attend a meeting, contact the committee lead.
Meeting times: Alternate Tuesdays at 2:00 p.m. via Zoom.
Committee Facilitator: Anita Bringas, UNM-Taos
Committee Members
David Elliot, Holy Cross Medical Center
Kaela Gillum, Taos Ski Valley
Lisa O’Brien, Taos Community Foundation
Gayle Martinez, Holy Cross Medical Center
Lindsey Pfaff Bain, Taos County Chamber of Commerce
Michael Santistevan, Kit Carson Electric Cooperative

Diversification of the Economy
The Diversifying the Economy subcommittee is committed to shaping the dialogue about how to diversify and strengthen our local economy in the face of the COVID health crisis and for long-term stability. With the subcommittee’s diverse and overlapping membership, solutions and actions are integrated, build on other efforts, and ensure sustainability goals will be met. Leadership development and coordination is key to diversification; therefore, this subcommittee invites both positional leaders and rising leaders in our community so that we see our economy strengthened. For more information or to attend a meeting, contact the committee lead.
Meeting times: Mondays at 12 p.m., via Zoom.
Committee Facilitator: Erin Sanborn, Kit Carson Electric Cooperative
Committee Members
Anita Bringas, UNM-Taos
Anjanette Brush, Taos County
Steve Fuhlendorf, Taos Entrepreneurial Network
Nina Gonzales, UNM-Taos
Brent Jaramillo, Taos County
Pascual Maestas, Town of Taos
Lisa O’Brien, Taos Community Foundation
Kristina Ortez, Taos Land Trust
Lindsey Pfaff, Taos County Chamber of Commerce
Luis Reyes, Kit Carson Electric Cooperative
Sonya Struck, Centinel Bank of Taos
Charles Whitson, Taos MainStreet

Food and Agriculture
The coalition is committed to identifying resource needs, to supporting the development of a local food hub, to bringing together cross-sectoral entities to map our regional food system, and to collaborating with and amplifying the work of individual entities in concert with our larger food system vision. The coalition aims to bring together all individuals and entities who are a part of food production, processing and distribution to realize a coordinated and economically viable vision for a vital food system.
Meeting times: Alternate Thursdays at 3:30pm, via zoom
Committee Facilitator: Chyna Dixon, Taos Land Trust
Committee Members
Alianza Agri-Cultura de Taos
Farm to School
Farmer Rancher Coop
LOR Foundation
Not Forgotten Outreach
Red Willow Farms
Shared Table
St. James
Taos Community Foundation
Taos Land Trust
Vista Grande High School
…and many individual members of the local food world in Taos.

Social Services
The Social Services Subcommittee addresses the basic mental/emotional and physical needs of community members during COVID-19 and beyond. Our focus has been on families, as kids transition back to school virtually, ensuring they have the resources and support they need. We compiled financial literacy resources and are now ensuring residents have support to pay basic bills like utilities and rent. We advocate for eviction protection and funding sources for Taosenos in financial hardship. For more information or to attend a meeting, contact the committee lead.
Meeting times: Thursdays at 11 a.m., via Zoom.
Committee Facilitator: Rasa Lila O’Donnell, Taos Whole Health
Committee Members
Kaela Gillum, Taos Ski Valley
Lisa O’Brien, Taos Community Foundation
Erin Sanborn, Kit Carson Electric Cooperative
Sonya Struck, Centinel Bank of Taos