EC COAD procures abundant COVID-19 supplies
On October 14, EC COAD, working with the Town of Taos, received the following items from FEMA:
- 52 pallets of FREE hand sanitizer
- 40 pallets containing 51,840, 20-oz. plastic bottles
- 12 pallets containing 6,336, 1-liter glass bottles
A large order of fabric masks, around 265,000, have arrived from FEMA as well. These deliveries will supply the Taos area with enough hand sanitizer and masks to make it through the winter. Distribution of hand sanitizer has begun. It’s not being handed out to people individually. Rather, the EC COAD members are working with the Town of Taos to gather items and then distribute them to those jurisdictions and community organizations already working within the community. “This is an opportunity to get good resources out into the community,” Elliot said. “We trust people to do what they are already good at. We rely on sector leaders to do what they know how to do. The town has taken on the lion’s share for distribution. The resources will flow from the town to secondary areas to individuals.”
For instance, the Taos Community Foundation is coordinating with Taos schools to make sure they have the PPE supplies they need. The Taos Land Trust is working to get supplies to farmers and other agricultural workers. Church groups plan to place items in donation boxes. The town is making sure that Taos Ski Valley is covered as well.
“It’s a true community effort, led in part by Holy Cross Medical Center” Elliot said. “Working together to collaborate and communicate is how we beat this thing.”